Arkiver for desember, 2021

Fotokurs i Vestfold. ©Bjørn Joachimsen.

Fotokurs i Vestfold. ©Bjørn Joachimsen.

Fotoworkshop i Vestfold: På denne workshopen får du anledning til å fordype deg i komposisjon og fototeknikk fra tidlig til sent. I fire dager får du utvikle dine fotokunnskaper i Vestfolds skoger og kystlandskap samt i kursrommet i Tønsberg. Målet med workshopen er å bidra til din fotografiske inspirasjon og utvikling både når det gjelder det kreative og det tekniske. [Vestfold, 3.–6. februar 2022.]

>> Les mer om fotoworkshopen Vinterland Vestfold

Fotoworkshop i Oslo

Explore the cityscapes and people of Oslo. International Photography Workshop. ©Bjørn Joachimsen.

Join us on this exciting and inspiring photography workshop in Oslo. During the workshop you will be challenged to look in a different way to the city and capture its beauty in a way you would not have imagined before. We will explore the urban landscape and the people of Oslo, while pushing your photographic creativity to new boundaries. The goal of the workshop is to find new inspiration and to develop your creativity in photographing urban landscapes and people.
Landscape photography workhsop in Varanger 2022

Landscape and architecture photography workshop in Varanger. ©Bjørn Joachimsen.

Explore Varanger with your camera! This tour will give you an opportunity to explore exhilarating seascapes along the arctic shores of Norway. We’ll visit the most thrilling spots in Varanger and be inspired by the cliffs, the rough sea and the unique geology at the outskirts of Europe. We also explore the fascinating fishing town Vardø which is really one of a kind.

>> Click to read more about the international photography workshop in Varanger